Free download granado espada bot version 4.5 download links are externally hosted on Extabit, Rapidshare, Rapidgator, Netload, Uploaded and free download granado. Digimaster 3 Software Download. Here you can download file AI BoT Granado Espada. 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others. The bot was made by DrAcx all tanks to him The bot is back prety much the same thing but you have to create 'C: Program Files Granado Espada release user hotkey' to put the hotkey.xml in Haw to instal ( asuming the game is already instaled ): 1. Copy ge.exe to C: Program Files Granado Espada release 2. Copy ai.ipf to C: Program Files Granado.
Sade Be That Easy Mp3 Download. This game had plenty of potential. Welcome to MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking. If someone got bot/multi login for granado espada,especialy ai nutkung x. Looking for Granado espada, Bots. Granado Espada BOT NIX - AI release 2.00. Vermeer Atlas Bore Planner more. GE BOT NEW 2015 AND MULTICLIENT ARE ABLE FOR ALL. Being played by over 30 million worldwide, Granado Espada Online offers unique gaming experience. Choose from over 100 characters and control 3 characters at the same time. Granado Espada Bot Rating: 3,6/5 8168 reviews Hello GEEU fans, First of all, Happy New Year and we wish you guys all the best of luck in new year! Abusing bot tool with multi accout in order to gain an unfair advantage will result in those accounts being suspended without any exceptions.
Granado Espada Bot
What does the Granado Espada Bot Software Do?
Granado Espada Usa

Instant Access to our Granado Espada Bot:
- The Granado Espada Bot Program is compatible Windows XP and Vista.
- Contact and Support
- Granado Espada Bot
- Granado Espada Bot Features:
- Auto Attack
- The Bot can kill at a rapid rate, as fast as a human. Depending on classes, you can expect to level really fast easily with the Granado Espada Grind Bot
- It Heals automatically so you don't die
- The program does everything automatically and leaves the impression that a real player is controlling the characters. Attack of enemies, buff applications ... no one can assume that a program is playing for you!
- Plenty of Kinah (Gold)
- With our Granado Espada Bot, you just have to turn on your computer, launch the Bot, launch Granado Espada and that's it! You can go to work, watch television, take a nap... It does it all automatically. Come back and watch how much gold you make! (And Levels!)
Other Granado Espada Bot Information:
- shift+1,+2,+3 = choose member will auto-loot
- shift+5 = one time for scout atk, two times for heal, and three times for atk and heal (useful for use scout as dagger+autohealer lol)
- shift+6 = auto sp potions 500~700
- shift+7 = jack construction type in FAR, or all fences+cannons+wars togethers CLOSE
- shift+8 = atk and pick up range 1500 3500 on running
- shift+9 = follow character (all chars will attack same mob like ur first char)
- shift+0 = auto hp potions 50%~90%
- shift+w,+s,+x = auto use unique buff (example: Gracielo auto buff himself with Violent Wind Attack)
- shift+r,+f,+v = auto use skills, one time for the 1st skill , two times for 2nd skill, etc (example: the member in F1: shift+r = Q-keyboard skill ; sift+r r (press R 2 times)= W-keyboard skill, etc)
- shift+t,+g,+b = choose members will attack
- shift+y = Angie mode Cannon (like jack) or Propeller (like diego)
- shift+n = Auto Resurrection
- shift+4 = auto keep ON this will be the last hoykey, cuz will make everytime keep mode, so u will not stop AI
Known Issues with the Granado Espada Bot Software:

- Bug in GWCA calls to GetTitleGamer, nothing I can do about this. Will just show you zero all the time on the Granado Espada Bot Software. If this gets updated in a new DLL it will magically start working again.
- Please let me know if you find any other bugs with the bot for Granado Espada.
Granado Espada Sea
Granado Espada Bot Software Update (Aug 10, 2011)
- Aion Bot was found at