KONE AMD Door Systems handle every situation without skipping a beat. It’s a function of KONE closed-loop control. The performance profile is set according to your specific needs. Then, operating conditions are monitored and digitally encoded feedback allows the system to learn about your building. PDF Manual Calibracion Motor Caterpillar C 3054.pdf PDF Deutz F1l 208d Manual.pdf PDF Honda Nc700 Service Manual.pdf PDF Kone Amd Door Operator Manual.pdf PDF Basics Of Engineering Economy Solution Manual 1st.pdf PDF Pencil Drawing Guide For Beginners.pdf PDF Oklahoma Professional Teaching Exam Study Guide.pdf. Diagrams & Manuals (27) Dipsticks (5) Door Buffers. Kone AMD Door Drive 1.5 Electronic Box. AMD Car Door Operator 2L. View Details Sign in. Buy spare parts for Kone lifts & escalators online now. ★ Elevator doors. Door operator Door suspension. Door guide AMD 12x30mm f. Cabin and landing 80x54mm.

Had an old AMD 2.0 board blow out capacitors. I replaced the board and now I can't seem to get this one to 'learn trip'. I have the manual for this board but everything I do referenced by the manual does not seem to work.
Here is what it is doing now:
•Test buttons work opposite, I need to hit close button to open and open to close. When I press the learn button twice the doors work properly on test, but will go back to reversed buttons after attempting 'learn trip'.
•When performing 'learn trip' the doors will automatically reopen after I run it close - is this normal?
•After cycling the doors about 2 times (the manual suggests no more than 5 cycles) on 'learn trip' the State light flashes as if there is a fault.
•The close end LED does not light up unless I press hard on the connector and even then it quickly turns off after trying to cycle the doors.
•When I think the doors have learned and place the car back on normal operation, the doors never open, but will sometimes answer hall calls.
•The doors will sometimes open very slowly and if the proximity edge beams are broken the doors will slam shut.
This is a 4-stop EC controller (I believe an older H-800 version) with a Kone AMD 2.0 door operator system. The proximity edge is wired separately to the COP and there is no mechanical safety edge.
I'm starting to believe the issue is due to a bad encoder. I've tried various dips witch configurations but nothing seems to work.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated

Kone Amd Door Operator Manual User